Hurray for onions!!! The official state vegetable of Utah is the Spanish Sweet Onion! Onions do very well in our climate and soil and are still grown commercially in some places along the Wasatch Front. Late March and early April is the time to plant onions in Utah. Local garden centers will usually carry onion sets (little tiny bulbs - they look like tiny onions) and onion starts (sprouted onion plants - they look like scallions or green onions). I have planted onion sets and onion starts and they both work just fine. There is a lot of good information online about onions and many sources for different varieties of onions.
Dixondale Farms is a fantastic website with tons of info about growing onions - different onions for different areas of the country. They also sell onion starts and they will ship them to you. Here is some interesting information about
onions in Utah. And here is more info on
growing onions in Utah.
onion sets (little bulbs) and onion starts (little sprouts)
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