I never thought artichoke plants could over-winter in Utah. It's just too cold. Artichokes are a California/Mediterranean thing, right? Well, I went on a garden tour in Tooele Valley last weekend and I saw artichoke plants that were over 4 feet tall and LOADED with artichokes!! I asked the man who grew them how he did it and he said he cut them down and mulched them heavily in the fall and they came back! The plants were growing on a south-facing slope of his property so maybe they are protected and have a nice warm micro-climate there. He said there are other areas in his yard where they will not over-winter. Here is an article about
growing artichoke from Utah State University. If you love artichokes, give it a try!
Artichoke Overwintering in Utah |
Growing Artichoke in Utah |
Artichoke Growing in Utah |
There was another place on the tour that had large artichokes - also up on the east side. So we'll try it on ours in the garden and see!